If Ur were the one in Southern Mesopotamia, then Jacob would not need to cross the Euphrates. Laban is said to live in Paddan-Aram, which is in the region of 


Gamla testamentets Aram motsvarar det nuvarande Syrien och delar av angränsande länder. Sammansättningen Aram Naharaim, ”de två flodernas Aram” betecknar det nordliga området mellan floderna Eufrat och Tigris och namnet Paddan Aram har ungefär samma syftning. Ytterligare en rad arameiska stadsstater nämns i Bibeln: [5] Bit-Bahiani

World History Map Bible Atlas Celestine Prophecy Bible Online Bible Mapping Religious Education Jesus Loves You Gods Plan Jesus Is Lord. More information People also love these ideas Paddan Aram refers to the part of Aram-Naharaim along the upper Euphrates, while Haran is mainly identified with the ancient city of Harran on the Balikh River. According to one rabbinical Jewish tradition, the birthplace of Abraham (Ur) was also situated in Aram-Naharaim 6307. Paddan -- the place where Rachel died Word Origin of uncertain derivation Definition the place where Rachel died NASB Word Usage Aram (1), Paddan (1), Paddan-aram (10).

Paddan aram map

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Map of the Middle East with shaded areas indicating the territorial control of the main political. Karta över Old map of western Eurasia and northern Africa showing the expansion of the Caliphate from Arabia Aram-Damaskus · Aram-Zobah · Paddan Aram · Aram-Rehob · Hamath Ter-Ghewondyan, Aram (1976) [1965]. 6 Esau såg att Isak hade välsignat Jakob och sänt honom till Paddan-Aram för att hämta en hustru därifrån. Han hade ju välsignat honom och  The purpose of the study is to map congregational life in the Oriental Aram återfinns i beteckningarna Aram-Naharaim och Paddan-Aram som i Bibeln syftar till  Omdömet skrevs 26 mars Housekeeping 1. See map.

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Jacob set out in haste from Beersheba and camped at Bethel (formerly Luz) before continuing on to Paddan-aram (Genesis 28:10-29:1). 2.

Bryt upp och bege dig till Paddan-Aram, till din morfar Betuels hus. Ta dig en hustru därifrån, någon av döttrarna till din morbror Laban. Gud den.

If Ur were the one in Southern Mesopotamia, then Jacob would not need to cross the Euphrates.

Paddan aram map

Haran is located in   12 Sep 2014 The Bible refers to Harran as Paddan-aram which is Aramean for highway. The city Schematic Representation of the Babylonian World Map. 30 Apr 2017 It helps to see a map to get a sense for the dynamics here: his starting point ( Padan-aram; Gen 31:18), but still not near Seir, Esau's country. Paddan Aram designates the area of Harran in upper Mesopotamia. Haran (a mountaineer).The third son of Terah, and therefore youngest brother of Abram. If Ur were the one in Southern Mesopotamia, then Jacob would not need to cross the Euphrates.
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Paddan aram map

3. Laban caught up with Jacob in the hill country of Gilead.

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Genesis 28:2 Arise, go to Paddan Aram, to the house of Bethuel your mother's father. Take a wife from there from the daughters of Laban, your mother's brother.

Text B says Paddan Aram, and this is not the only reference to Paddan Aram in Genesis (see #46-47 and #48-49). PADDAN-ARAM [ISBE] PADDAN-ARAM - pad'-an-a'-ram or p.-ar'-am (paddan 'aram; Septuagint Mesopotamia tes Surias; the King James Version Padan-aram): In Gen 48:7, Paddan stands alone, but as the Septuagint, Sam, and Peshitta read "Aram" also, it must in this verse have dropped out of the Massoretic Text.In the time of Abraham, padanu occurs on the Babylonian contract-tablets as a land … PADDAN ARAM (pā'dăn-ā'răm, plain of Aram).The word originally, as shown by the cuneiform contract tablets, signified a unit of measuring. It is the home of Jacob’s exile (Gen.31.18), the home of Laban.It is almost certainly to be identified with Haran of the upper Euphrates Valley. According to biblical tradition, Rebecca was the daughter of Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram, also called Aram-Naharaim, and sister of Laban the Aramean.

Paddan Aram designa el área de Harran en la Mesopotamia superior. "Paddan Aram" y "Haran" pueden ser variaciones dialécticas con respecto a la misma localidad, ya que paddanū y harranū son sinónimos de "camino" o "ruta de caravanas" en acadio. Padan-aram o Padan aparece en 11 versículos de la Biblia hebrea, todos en Génesis.

Paddan-Aram (Hebreeuws: פדנה ארם, "het gebied van Aram", mogelijk identiek aan sedeh-Aram, "gebied van Aram") was volgens het Bijbelboek Genesis een vroeg Aramees koninkrijk in Mesopotamië, gelegen in het noorden van Aram-Nahraïm. 19 relaties. The name Paddan-aram obviously consists of two parts. The first part, פדן (paddan), is a noun that does not occur in Hebrew, but HAW Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament reports that the Akkadian word padanu means route. Hur ska jag säga paddan-aram i Engelska? Uttal av paddan-aram med 3 ljud uttal, 1 innebörd, 3 översättningar, och mer för paddan-aram.

Orsa Grönklitt map. [ Bild på sidan 9] Mapema katika karne iliyopita, Sigmund Freud, Jakob flyr till Paddan - Aram, där han gifter sig med Lea och Rakel och sköter  Yakobo anakimbilia Padan - aramu, ambako anaoa Lea na Raheli na Jakob flyr till Paddan - Aram, där han gifter sig med Lea och Rakel och jordklotet: Mountain High Maps ® Copyright © 1997 Digi tal Wisdom, Inc. Bit-Halupe • Bit Zamani • Hamath • Paddan-Aram Termen "aram" förekommer också i de arameiska kungadömenas namn. De forntida araméerna hade aldrig  Aram-Damaskus • Aram-Beth Rehob • Aram-Soba • Bit Adini • Bit Agusi • Bit Bahiani • Bit-Halupe • Bit Zamani • Hamath • Paddan-Aram · Arameiska kungar. uppgång, gubbarna, paddan, torsk, mottages, östergötland, häcken, panelen, garanterad, dräkt, parmesan, fog, maps, måndagskvällen, inriktade, lindahl, gin nordafrikanska, kollegornas, aram, nystan, attraktivitet, rönte, attraktivare, reis,  Osorkon IV. Osten · Ostjordanland · Ostrakon · Otho · Otniel · Otter / Viper · Paddan Aram · Palast · Palästinaarchäologie · Palästinischer Talmud · Palastvorsteher  A stopwatch and an ordnance map.